MASTER Aéronautique et espace - Parcours Master of Science : satellite communication systems : from engineering to end-to-end systems (SATCOM)

Résumé de la formation

  • Type de diplôme: Masters of
  • Domaines de compétences: Informatique et Sciences du numérique



Mastère Spécialisé dispensé en anglais, co-habilité avec Telecom Sud Paris


For more then so years, satellite systems have demonstrated capabilities to collect and spead, better than any other technologies, messages and data in a vast coverage area for the benefit of thousand users, the space communications market represents one of the most commercially profitable business permanent evolutions.
Consequently companies of the sector, for space system development or for services and applications, recruit permanently junior executives with a specific expertise adapted to the specifics of the environment and quickly operational. The master SCS is designed to offer students with necessary and up-to-date knowledge for mastering different aspects of digital communications, signal processing, and networks techniques used in space-based communication or navigation systems.


Thus, the master SCS emphasizes on the following objectives:

  • give a global system approach by emphasizing the environment, the limitations and the contraints, the interfaces and the expected performances.
  • improve the disciplines interacting in the conception of these systems : signal processing, communications, data processing and networks.
  • acquire and master design and simulation tools of the sector.
  • train to the development of applications of these systems for space - aeronautics and embedded-systems domains.


Contenu de la formation

500  hours,  provided  by  INP-ENSEEIHT,  Telecom Sud Paris   permanent   professors   and   experts   from   the aerospace    industry    bringing    current    knowledge    and    
experience, including:

  • lectures,  tutorials,  experimental  and  practical  sessions, online exercises, practical works in team, simulation with MATLAB, OMNET++, or specific softwares,
  • demonstrations  in  laboratory,  implementation  of  digital  communication    chain    with    software    defined    radio, navigation   receivers   (GPS,      sensor   hybridization   ...), conferences.
  • 3 projects carried out in pairs for about 100 hours globally

Part 1 -General teaching- 186 h

Signal  processing,  Digital  communications,  Spread  spectrum  techniques, Coding applied to the satellite channel, Network &   telecommunication   protocols,   Simulation   of   networks,   
Simulation of communication systems, Project


Part 2 - Space and specific techniques - 207 h

Orbits    and    satellite    platforms,    Propagation    &    radio-frequency   links,   Space   communications   systems,Satellite constellations  for  communications  and  navigation  Satellite payload,  Earth  station  and  terminals,  Digital  filters  bank telecommunication and navigation, Project

Part 3 - Applications - 148 h

Satellite based networks, Embedded systems, Satellite based mobile & aeronautical, communications by satellites, Financial and  legal  aspects,  Overview  of  applications  via  satellites, Project management, Project


Students have to conduct a professionalthesis in the aerospace industry or in a laboratory, in France or abroad, supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from INP-ENSEEIHT, Télécom Sud Telecom. The thesis is concluded by technical and project management report and a public defense.


Condition d'accès

Niveau d'anglais

  • Bonne compréhension et utilisation de l'anglais écrit et oral pour l'admission
  • Examen de niveau de langue : TOEFL (papier): 550, TOEFL (IBT): 79, TOEIC: 750, IELTS: 6.0.
  • Seul les natifs ou personnes ayant un diplôme obtenu en langue anglaise n'ont besoin de justifier leur niveau

Et après

Insertion professionnelle

This  Advanced  Master  in  space  communications  systems offers  students  various  positions  in  systems  design  and project management for space companies and agencies.

Companies recruiting our students:

Electronics ant telecommunications companies:

Alcatel,  Airbus  Group  and  its  subsidiaries,  Thales,  Safran,  St Micro

Communications    operators:

Eutelsat,    Hispasat,    SES,  Telespazio

Space  agencies  and  research  centers:

CNES,  DSNA, DLR, ESA, Algerian Space Agency

Consulting     groups:    

M3     Systems,     Altran,     France Developpement Conseil, etc.


Taux de réussite

100% 2022-2023


Lieu(x) de la formation

  • Toulouse

Contact(s) administratif(s)

Conseiller Formation diplômante

Tél : 05 34 32 31 03

Email : diplomant.fc @

Plus d'infos

Crédits ECTS 75 crédits

Niveau d'étude
BAC +5

Public concernéFormation continue, Formation professionnelle

Formation à distance Non

Nature de la formation

Durée du stage 6 mois

Code RNCP 38995 - Accréditation : 25/06/2021 - Certificateur : Toulouse INP

Date(s) de la formation Septembre à septembre

Nous contacter

Toulouse INP Formation Continue

6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4
Ouvert du lundi au vendredi

08h30-12h30 / 13h30-16h30

05 34 32 31 08


Le centre de formation continue et professionnelle des Grandes Écoles d'Ingénieurs de Toulouse INP

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